

First time Online drinking party(はじめてのオンライン飲み会)

Hello everyone. This is kwaz6.
All over the world, the pandemic has occurred by COVID-19.
So, we could not go out for a drinking party due to COVID-19.

In recent days, online drinking party is a trend.
So, I tried to do an online drinking party the first time.

Online drinking party

Online tool
  • Line

At first, I used the Line video.
However, time lag often happened and it was difficult for me to communicate with each other; so, I changed the video tool to skype.

I had ever used Skype when I was the National Institute of Technology (KOSEN) student.
As I know, Skype had so good connectivity.


My wife cooked dinner for an online drinking party.
The food cooked by my wife was so delicious!!

I enjoyed online drinking party so much.
I appreciate my wife.


Today's keyword I studied

It is difficult for (人) to do~: (人)にとってdoすることは難しい

