

Sukiyaki is justice(すき焼きは正義)

Hello, everyone. This is kwaz6.
Today, I ate SUKIYAKI.
SUKIYAKI is also Japanese famous food.
Especially, we can feel that SUKIYAKI is very delicious when eat it with many people.

Preparation of SUKIYAKI

 Cooking process is below.
  1. Cutting Tohu, Shungiku*1, Leek
  2. Putting some vegitables and Mentsuyu into a pot.
  3. Boiling.
  4. Complete!!




(Space around pot is dirty, but please ignore it.)
For SUKIYAKI we use raw egg. 
I think all Japanese people use it.
After boiling, We dip both boiled vegetables and the meats in the raw egg and eat it.
This time also Mentsuyu is the best source for SUKIYAKI.

Would you like to try to cook it?


Today's keyword I studied

  • Leek:ネギ
  • dirty: 汚れ
  • raw egg: 生卵
  • dip: 付ける 





*1:Edible chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum coronarium), crown daisy, garland chrysanthemum